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Nothing but the Classics

What makes a product a classic?

  • It never changes.....its perfect as it its....no need for improvements.
  • It's timeless
  • It always works
  • It's always available
  • all other products wish they were the classic, the og, the one, the only (you get the idea)
Here's one of the best:

Maybelline's Great Lash Mascara in Jet Black

Jet Black goes good in any era, any time, any style. Fierce eyelashes, always.



A Simple Pimple

Nothings simple not even my pimple. This planet that's growing on the side of my face is due not to oily skin, dirty skin, bad foundation but (tun tun tun) hormones! eeeeeek..........yep those pesky hormones sneak in and grow into mini jupiter to taunt & tease me and shout to the world "look over here! right here! look at me! loooook!!!"

I'm not a teenager anymore but every now and then I get a huge HUGE pimple right on my face. It reminds me of that episode on Family Guy, the one where Chris has a zit named Doug the pimple. It's a hilarious episode. Except mine isn't talking or conceiving an evil plan.....not yet anyways.

Being a self-proclaimed product junkie I've tried everything from ProActive to Noxzema, from expensive creams, masks and ointments to home remedies. Nothing has worked better than a home remedy.

So here it is. My handy dandy simple pimple home remedy plan. I'm not sure where I collected these remedies but they work.

Just a note this worked for ME and it may not work for you.

If you're a pimple popper then STOP. Popping pimples only leaves scars and can lead to infection. When I can't resist and must pop the white I get out my skin care tool from Sephora like the Double-Ended Blemish Extractor. One side pops the whiteheads, the other cleans the blackheads. I love this thing-a-ma-jig.

Now if I have a huge nasty pimple I use two home remedies. They both work, it all depends on what I have at home.

The first, is simple: An Onion. I cut a big chunk and tape it to my pimple for about 20 minutes. I don't know how it works but it does. It dries out my pimple and the swelling automatically goes down. The white puss dries out and the red only stays for a few hours.

The second is white tooth paste. It has to be Paste, no fancy gels or teeth brighteners or mini crystals. Just simple white paste. I dab a small amount on the pimple before I go to bed and it dries it out completely.

I always make sure I clean my face before and after. I also disinfect my little sephora tool too. I don't want any nasty germs creating a colony on my face.

If you want to see the Family Guy "Brian the Bachelor" episode click below. Trust me its freakin funny. You won't ever see a pimple the same way.



I'll put a spell on you

I've just found this really cool product at CVS:

Dickinson's 100% Natural Botanicals Witch Hazel Toner

Witch Hazel? It turns out is a really good toner! I've tried other toners before and they have so much alcohol in them my skin turns into the sahara after one use.

With my new Witch Hazel toner my skin doesn't dry out and is there are absolutely no traces of makeup left. I have those round cotton pads and place a few drops of this liquid on them. Then just wipe away. Be careful on your eyes though.

The smell takes some getting used to. Its.....er......different. Not bad just different.

For not attacking my skin's moisture, for removing my makeup and oil and for leaving my skin clean and refreshed Dickinson's Witch Hazel Toner deserves



Need it, Want it, Gotta Have It

Elephant Pendants

So stop outbidding me on ebay!!!

Look at me smile :D

I recently noticed from looking through old pictures that my smile needs a little touch-up. I drink a lot of green tea and have that occasional cup of coffee. All this takes away from the brightness of my smile.

So every so often I purchase one of these:

It's Crest's Whitestrips (the Classic Version) .......aka The version that works just as well as the premium, takes a little more time but also costs a lot less!

For $15 dollars less I get the same results but I have to wait 7 more days. It's ok because my wallet is patient...trust me when my wallet will make me wait the extra week.

I've tried the mouthguard whiteners.........works but not as well. I felt like it didn't come with enough product. I've tried the whitener that looks like nail polish. Tastes gross and it ends up all over your mouth if there's any hint of saliva. HEllo! my mouth is full of saliva.

So I turn to Crest Whitestrips whenever I
need to brighten up a little. They're these convenient strips you can carry around with you. There's one strip for your upper teeth, another for your lower and conveniently packaged in different colors. I've messed up before and put the wrong strip on the wrong set of teeth. The only difference is that one strip is longer, so I guess on that day a few teeth missed out on the super cleaning whitening action :)

It only takes 30 minutes and once you get the hang of it you don't even notice you're wearing them. I try to wipe my teeth before I put them on just so they'll get every inch of every tooth. I put them on either when Im putting on my make-up, blow drying my hair, working out, or just reading. It all depends on when you have a spare 30 minutes a day.

For Crest's money-back-guarantee, convenience, and white results this definitely gets a
